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How to Chat With Command Prompt Windows

How to Chat With Command Prompt

Have you ever wanted to do something useful with command prompt like chat through a school's network or talk to your friend without having to download any fancy chat software? Now you can with a few simple steps!


  1. Image titled 710997 1 2
    Open notepad then type:
    @ echo off
    echo MESSENGER
    set /p n=User:
    set /p m=Message:
    net send %n% %m%
    Goto A
  2. Image titled 710997 2 2
    When you're finished, click on file, save as, then save it as messenger.bat.
  3. Image titled 710997 3 2
    Go to control panel (make sure you are in Classic View). Click on "administrative tools", then click on "services".
  4. Image titled 710997 4 2
    Now find the "messenger" service in the list on the right, then open it. You'll see "startup type" which should be disabled, so click on that and select "manual".
  5. Image titled 710997 5 2
    Now press the start button in the upper right hand corner of the window (not the green start button), and click apply.
  6. Image titled 710997 6 1
    Next, do the same procedure on the remote computer. Until this service is activated on that PC, or you won't be able to use this!
  7. Image titled 710997 7 2
    Now click on the messenger file you made. Since it is a batch file it will open with cmd (command prompt). It should show "MESSENGER" at the top and "User:" below that. Type the IP address of the remote computer. If it is in the network, then when you type the message next, it should send it to them. It will be likewise on the other computer. There you got it!

Some Bits:

  • Does this require the internet?
    It depends. There are two ways to send a message. The first is to an internet computer (for example, computer.example.com), which does require internet (and some networking skills). The second is to send it to a network computer (, which requires the network.

  • Does this work in Windows 8?
    No, it doesn't. However, it works with Windows 10.

  • What if I cannot find my messenger?
    Try this: C:window/user/messenger.bat/ Whatever you choose, be sure to select your username correctly.

  • Can I do this in Windows 10?
    No; however, if you have Windows 10 Professional or Ultimate, you can use the MSG command instead. NET SEND is only for Windows XP and earlier, as the screenshots show.

  • Will this work on Windows 7?
    Yes and no. Yes, you can use the MSG command instead, and no, the NET SEND command was removed after Windows XP/Vista.


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